Golden Leaf Curtain was founded by Mr Tan Yong Yow, an immigrant from China, who fled the country during the civil unrest and arrived on the shores of Singapore at age 23. With little money to his name and a tricycle, the budding entrepreneur begin earning a living through borrowing and selling fabrics in the night market (or 'pasar malam'). In 1973, having saved up enough cash, he bought a shop space in Whampoa and founded Golden Leaf Textiles.
All those year striving for a living, the now (n ot so) young entrepreneur handed over the business to his son, Mr John Tan. Despite having a retail shop, all was not smooth sailing for the bright young man. The business had incurred a large amount of debt from borrowing and John was now at the helm of it. In those days, "curtain" as a product was not widely adopted, and instead, customers that bought fabrics were mainly using it for the making of clothes, beddings and other personal needs. To make sure that the business and his family gets through the looming debt, John decided to take the business into a different direction by offering services to transform fabrics into curtains.

After years of non-stop hard work, the business begin to turn a profit and with that, Mr John Tan decided to revitalize the business with an overhaul and expand to other offerings of window furnishings for the ever-changing consumer market. The business also rebranded itself to Golden Leaf Curtain Centre. However, with one issue resolved, came another. Mr John Tan had to face with the reality that, as the country modernize, the pool of tailors and seamstress was ever-shrinking. To keep the business running, he had to find a new alternative.
In 2013, the business begin importing machineries from Japan for the manufacturing its curtains. This allowed its aging workforce to continue their job with less burden and allowed the business to diversify its workforce to others who may not had sewing experience. As a result, Golden Leaf Curtain Centre was featured in several media such as Mediacorps's 2016 "Please Be My Guest !" and the Chinese Newspaper, Lianhe Zhaobao (联合早报). Golden Leaf Curtain Centre was also featured as an exemplary employer under WDA (Workforce Singapore) at the annual Age Management Seminar.